Baobab Melon Smoothie – rocks!

Baobab Melon Smoothie

Baobab Melon Smoothie

Summer time is “melon” time – delicious fruit aplenty. Especially on hot days it tastes wonderful in fruity salads, lemonades or simply cut in quarters and eaten directly. But often a watermelon is too big to be eaten at once. So what to do with the leftovers? There is a very tasty answer to that: Baobab Melon Smoothie!

Watermelon – what is in it? As the name says, a lot of water – the fruit contains more than 90% thereof, and has virtually no calories. Its pulp contains iron and vitamins A and C.

Baobab Fruit Powder and Melon Pieces

Baobab Fruit Powder and Melon Pieces

The Baobab fruit powder adds a slightly sour lemony note to the healthy combination. Good to know that baobab powder – along with other valuable ingredients – contains iron and lots of vitamin C. The latter helps the human body to absorb iron better.

Mixing watermelon with baobab powder results in a refreshing lemonade. It has to be mixed thoroughly because the powder is very fine. Adding soy milk makes more of a “milkshake”. Those who like it creamier add delicious banana or soy yoghurt and get a fabulous Baobab Melon Smoothie.

Baobab Melon Smoothie

Baobab Melon Smoothie

It is difficult to identify a ripe watermelon by just looking at the outside. Nevertheless, there is a little trick that helps: Take a fruit into your hand and knock on the outside. If you hear a muffled sonorous sound, the melon is ripe. If the fruit sounds rather hollow and metallic it is not yet ready for consumption. The flesh inside should be evenly colored juicy red or pink.

Ingredients “milkshake” – for the “light” version:

  • Ca. 300 grams of watermelon
  • 1 tablespoon baobab powder
  • Soy milk (as preferred)
  • Agave syrup (a shot)

Ingredients “Baobab melon smoothie” – if you like it creamy:

  • 2 bananas
  • 1 tablespoon baobab powder
  • Ca. 300 grams of watermelon
  • 2-3 tablespoons soy yogurt
  • Soy milk (as preferred)
  • Agave syrup (a shot)


Cut melon into quarters, remove the seeds, then cut into smaller pieces and place in a jar. Add the baobab powder, fill up with soy milk. Cut required bananas into small pieces and add to the other ingredients. If you like, add agave syrup and soy yogurt. Blend until all ingredients are mixed well. Pour into glasses immediately and serve cool.

Alternatives to soy products, for example:

  • Almond milk
  • Rice milk
  • Coconut milk
  • Coconut yoghurt

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