Purple Baobab Summer Smoothie

While it is still quite hot out there I am on the lookout for something delicious and cool. Two bananas sit on the fridge, waiting to be eaten. The freezer compartment of the fridge hosts organic blueberries. I still have got plenty of delicious baobab powder – and some soy milk. Perfect ingredients for a superb Purple Baobab Summer Smoothie!

Baobab Powder

Baobab Powder

I love ripe bananas – they are yummy. Crushed with a blender they give the smoothie a sweet and creamy note. They also supply healthy potassium which is good for nerves and muscles. Apart from the magnificent color, the frozen blueberries add vitamin C and antioxidants. The small fitness boosters belong to our domestic “super fruits”.

Bluberries for Purple Baobab Summer Smoothie

Bluberries for Purple Baobab Summer Smoothie

The light lemonish flavor of the fine baobab powder tastes particularly well in combination with the frozen blueberries. The baobab fruit delivers vitamin C, antioxidants, minerals, fiber and important omega fatty acids.

If you prefer your smoothie more creamy you can add soy yoghurt for a vegan version and soy milk provides the necessary liquid.

People with a sweet tooth add some agave syrup or brown sugar to the mixture. Mix everything well and serve immediately. To add another flavor for taste buds I sprinkle chopped hemp seeds on top. Simply delicious. They bring another dose of Omega 3 fatty acids to the healthy mix.

Ingredients, Purple Baobab Summer Smoothie

Ingredients, Purple Baobab Summer Smoothie

As an alternative to soy products coconut milk and coconut based yoghurt taste delicious, too.

Meanwhile a thunderstorm has cleared the air and cooled down temperatures – nevertheless my Purple Baobab Summer Smoothie tastes delicious!


• 2 bananas
• 1 tablespoon baobab powder
• 100 grams of blueberries
• 2-3 tablespoons soy yogurt
• Soy milk (on demand)
• agave syrup
• 1 teaspoon of hemp seed


Cut bananas into small pieces and put them into a bowl. Add the baobab powder. Fill up the mixture with soy milk, agave nectar and if you like add some soy yoghurt and finally the blueberries. Mix with the blender. Pour into glasses immediately, garnish with chopped hemp seed and enjoy cold.

Alternatives to soy products, for example:

• Almond milk
• rice milk
• coconut milk
• coconut yoghurt

Purple Baobab Summer Smoothie

Purple Baobab Summer Smoothie

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