Baobab Lemonade Pioneer in Germany

Baobab Lemonade – Not just “some soft drink” – no, it is the “champagne of soft drinks” – says Baobab pioneer Andreas Triebel proudly. He talks about his long journey Continue Reading →
Stories about the African Tree of Life
Baobab Lemonade – Not just “some soft drink” – no, it is the “champagne of soft drinks” – says Baobab pioneer Andreas Triebel proudly. He talks about his long journey Continue Reading →
Baobab fruit powder is usually natural. It is taken directly out of the fruit shell and usually not treated chemically otherwise processed and no other substances need to be added Continue Reading →
The flowering period of the Baobab often begins with the onset of the rainy season and lasts about six weeks. Thereafter, Baobab fruit begin to grow. Alike the flowers they Continue Reading →